Have you sometimes wondered if your headache has something to do with staring at your computer screen all day? If so, you are on to something. Eye fatigue is a common problem for anyone who works from home.

However, avoiding the screen is not an option when you need it for your work every day. The good thing is that there are ways you can eliminate eyestrain and technology-induced headaches.

Here are four ways to combat screen fatigue today.


Adjust Screen Settings


To get rid of headaches and tired eyes, you can adjust your computer settings. If your screen brightness is high, try changing it to a dimmer setting. A blindingly bright screen will make your head start throbbing fast, especially if you happen to be working in the dark.

Some computers also have a “Night Light” setting, which enables you to reduce how much blue light your device emits.


Lift Your Screens With Monitor Arms


Do you sometimes find yourself leaning closely in toward your computer screen? Getting too close while concentrating is easy to do without knowing it and quickly leads to eyestrain and postural issues.

If your monitors are too low, it may be annoying to look at your screen without bending.

With monitor arms, you can easily change the height or angle of your screens. The optimal position will allow you to view your screens without looking up or bending your neck downward.


Update Office Ergonomics


A worn-out office chair or a desk that is too low will make it more likely that you will lean toward your computer screen a lot. Unsurprisingly, this leads to many health issues, including eye fatigue and neck pain.

A supportive office chair will keep your spine in natural alignment even while you relax and sit back.

If you are tired of desks that are not the right height, adjustable desks have your back. You can change the level of your desk to work standing or sitting whenever you wish to.


Take Frequent Breaks


One of the best things you can do for your eyes after taking other precautions is to take a rest.

Just as it is a good idea to stand up after sitting for a while, it is also healthy to rest your eyes. After every 20 minutes of looking at a computer screen, look away for 20 seconds. Gazing at something that’s approximately 20 feet away is effective, as it counters the close-up focusing that computer work requires.

Technology is an irreplaceable part of our lives. If you work from home, your livelihood depends on your computer. However, a hurting head and dry, unfocused eyes can be unfortunate side effects of office work.

These four tips will help you reduce digital eye fatigue and develop a healthy way of working in your home office.

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