4 Ways to Improve Your Home Office

4 Ways to Improve Your Home Office

Working from home provides many benefits for self-employed individuals and remote workers. When you get a remote job, you will need to create a home office. Separating work from your personal life is imperative for both job satisfaction and relaxation during leisure...

Why Sitting All Day Isn’t Recommended

Why Sitting All Day Isn’t Recommended

When you are absorbed in your work, it's easy to sit for hours without a break. Everyone who has ever worked in an office has probably heard about how unhealthy it is to sit for too long. So what really happens to your body when you are sedentary most days? Here are...

The Future of Office Furniture

The Future of Office Furniture

In recent decades, identical cubicles and minimalistic design features have been popular in offices around the country. However, the tables are turning as workplace productivity research continues. Lively colors, personalized office design, modern accessories, and...

How Office Furniture Affects Your Health

How Office Furniture Affects Your Health

A chair and a desk are at the center of many people's working lives. When you work from home, your office furniture is vital to your career. However, many people who live sedentary lifestyles are at risk of developing health problems from minor annoyances to dangerous...