“Working from home” and “remote work” are far from new concepts; some workers have never had a commute to an office building. However, for many, “working from home” became a buzzword and an abrupt though necessary change in 2020.

Even if working from home is how you’ve always worked, or how you’ll continue to work well into the future of your career, there’s a lot to be said for making sure your home office has everything it needs to promote productivity.

Here’s our list of the four things every home office needs:

1. Designated Space

You might feel an initial temptation to work from your couch, bed, or a side table in your living room. But to help you complete your work assignments, including paperwork, video calls, and digital tasks, you should have a space you can call your home office.

The benefit of a designated area for remote work is that you’ll have a physical and mental shift from doing work and living at home. And you can organize your space how you want it, including mobile filing cabinets to keep your important papers accessible and tidy.

2. Personal Touches

Just because your home office is in your house doesn’t mean you don’t need some personal or comforting touches. It should be a space where you’re comfortable and don’t mind spending some time during the work day.

Think about the photographs of family, friends, pets, or travel that you might normally take to an office building, and put a few up around your home office.

You might also consider some artwork, a plant, or little figurines that will keep the space from feeling too empty or austere.

3. Comfort For Remote Work

To help you focus and efficiently complete work tasks, make sure your home office has a comfortable seat. That way you’ll feel less tempted to fidget and you’ll have fewer aches and pains. You’ll be able to relax into your work and start checking items off your to-do list.

Ergonomic chairs are adjustable to provide the best support for your needs. Look for ones that can adapt for lumbar support, seat height, depth, and hand rest height. Some even recline for a comfortable change in posture.

4. Functional Furniture

If your office is currently just the end of an unused dining room table, or a card table you found lying around, you’re not set up for productive remote work. The table might be at a great height for efficient snacking, but an adjustable desk is the best piece of furniture for your home office.

You’ll be able to raise and lower it to suit your work needs, so you can stand, sit, or lean back as needed to most effectively complete each of your tasks.

This flexibility can be especially beneficial for remote work, where instead of being able to move to a new location for a certain job assignment, you can now adjust your desk space to meet your needs and stay productive.

Office Furniture America has all of the adaptable, adjustable, and comfortable solutions for a productive home office. Visit our website to explore our products and make the most of remote work.